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  • 株式會社トクヤマ 中文版 ENGLISH

    Fumed Silica
    Product overview Application Product classification
     Generic names  Fumed Silica
     Product name  REOLOSIL
     Packing / shipping method  Flexible containers, paper bags
     Chemical formula  SiO2
    Product overview

    REOLOSIL is fumed silica manufactured under strict production controls using highly purified raw materials. The product is a powder composed of primary particles between 5 to 50 nanometers in size.
    Main Applications

    The use of REOLOSIL as a reinforcing and bulking agent in elastomers such as silicon rubber contributes to greater strength and stretching properties.
    Sealants (*1)
    The viscosity of a solvent can be adjusted by addition of REOLOSIL, giving it thixotropic properties (*2) (improvement in workability). In addition, other properties of elastomer strengths can also be increased through the use of REOLOSIL.
    *1 Rubber-like materials used in the gaps between the frames and glass of windows to adhere and seal both sides.
    *2 This refers to the property in which a material in an undisturbed static state resists flowing, but flows freely when force is increased.
    Liquid resins
    REOLOSIL is used for its anti-sagging properties and also to prevent the settling of pigments contained in paints, adhesives and other liquids.
    Added to various powders, REOLOSIL improves the flowability of the powder and prevents the powder from caking.
    ? Flow properties
    ? Efficiency of tribo-electric charge
    ? Controlling the electric charge
    ? Toner transfer to the paper
    Special characteristics
    REOLOSIL is microparticles manufactured by gas phase reaction, and forms loose agglomerates. By dispersing it moderately, it can be dispersed in particles smaller than the wavelength range of visible light.
    REOLOSIL is available in various hydrophilic grades and hydrophobic grades produced from hydrophilic silica through hydrophobic.
    Fumed Silica
    Tetrachlorosilane STC
    Trichlorosilane TCS
    Isopropanol IPA
    Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide TMAH
    Hydrochloric acid

    Tokuyama Chemicals(Zhejiang)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China.

    Product Consultation :
    Tokuyama Trading(Shanghai)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:1206, Shanghai International Group Mansion.511 Wei Hai Road, Shanghai, China.

    Tokuyama Chemicals (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China Tel:+86-573-8552-7887
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