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  • 株式會社トクヤマ 中文版 ENGLISH

    Trichlorosilane TCS
     Generic names  Trichlorosilane, TCS
     Product name  Trichlorosilane
     Main applications  Intermediary material for epitaxial wafers, polycrystalline silicon,  silicone resin, and organic chemical compounds
     Packing / shipping method  ISO container
     Chemical formula  SiHCl3
     Special properties  Sufficiently high purity for use in semiconductors
    Product overview

    High purity Trichlorosilane has outstanding characteristics of very few impurities and stable qualities. It is used for the high grade polycrystalline silicon.
    Special characteristics

    Has been purified to a high enough degree to be used as an intermediary material for polycrystalline silicon
    At room temperature, trichlorosilane is a colorless, transparent liquid with a pungent odor, and is stable only when stored in tightly sealed containers
    Reacts to moisture in the air by decomposing into corrosive hydrogen chloride gas and silica
    Trichlorosilane is flammable and easily ignites when exposed to air
    Fumed Silica
    Tetrachlorosilane STC
    Trichlorosilane TCS
    Isopropanol IPA
    Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide TMAH
    Hydrochloric acid

    Tokuyama Chemicals(Zhejiang)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China.

    Product Consultation :
    Tokuyama Trading(Shanghai)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:1206, Shanghai International Group Mansion.511 Wei Hai Road, Shanghai, China.

    Tokuyama Chemicals (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China Tel:+86-573-8552-7887
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