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  • 株式會社トクヤマ 中文版 ENGLISH

    Fumed Silica
    Introduction: Reolosil is manufactured by controlled combustion of highly purified chlorosilanes with oxygen and hydrogen.High purity inorganic powder which aggregates are formed by 3-dimentional structure on the basis of primary particles ranging from 5 to 50 nm diameter.
    Application: Thickening and thixotropic agent for liquid resin, free flow agent for powder, reinforcing for elastomers etc.
    Tetrachlorosilane STC
    Introduction: Introduction: high purity SiCL4 is manufactured by using unique technique developed by TCC, which is with a pungent odour and easy to deliquesce.
    Application: High purity STC offers many different applications such as the optical fibers, polycrystalline silicon and high purity quartz glasses.
    Trichlorosilane TCS
    Introduction: Trichlorosilane(TCS) is also called silyl trichloride,silicochloroform. TCS is manufactured by controlled reaction of high purified hydrogen chloride with metal silicon in a certain temperature and pressure,through cooling、gather、rectification. TCS is easy to volatile and deliquescent. The purity of TCS is more than 99.99% and the metal impurity is less than 10ppbwt.
    Application: Quartz glass,optical fiber perform,solar cell
    Isopropanol IPA
    Introduction: This product uses high quality IPA produced by Japanese parent company as raw material, with strict quality control and different types containers according to customer demand.
    Application: Cleaning and drying of the electronic equipment
    Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide TMAH
    Introduction: This product uses high quality TMAH produced by Japanese parent company as raw material, with strict quality control and different types containers according to customer demand.
    Application: Alkaline cleaning solution used for photoresist developer and electronic equipment, MEMS with Si etcher, CMP polishing raw materials
    Hydrochloric acid
    Introduction: Hydrochloric acid is one by-product when TCC manufactured fumed silica.
    Application: Water treatment agent Acid washing
    Fumed Silica
    Tetrachlorosilane STC
    Trichlorosilane TCS
    Isopropanol IPA
    Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide TMAH
    Hydrochloric acid

    Tokuyama Chemicals(Zhejiang)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China.

    Product Consultation :
    Tokuyama Trading(Shanghai)CO.,Ltd.

    Add:1206, Shanghai International Group Mansion.511 Wei Hai Road, Shanghai, China.

    Tokuyama Chemicals (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
    Add:NO.555 Yashan West Road,Economic Development Zone,Zhapu Port,Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China Tel:+86-573-8552-7887
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